Call For Paper

Topics of interest, but not limited to: [Download Call for papers]

Please be noted: All original papers will be submit to IEEE Crosscheck System to check the Multiple Publication and Plagiarism problems, please prepare your paper carefully before submission.

I. Communications and Network

Modeling & Simulation of Communication Systems

Network Architecture & Protocol

Optical Fiber/Microwave Communication

Wired & Wireless Communication and Networking

IoT (Internet of things); RFID; WPAN; ZigBee

Modulation, Coding and Information Theory

Satellite Communications; Ultra-Wideband; Protocols; Nano networks

Optical Communications and Networking; Mobile Computing

Grid, cluster and P2P computing; Pervasive/ubiquitous computing

Web services and Internet computing; Computer and Network Security

Cryptography; Mobile and Wireless networks security

Optical network security

Web, eBusiness, eCommerce, eGovernment security


II. Signal Processing (SP) and Information Technology

Acoustic/Sonar Imaging and Techniques
Biomedical Image Processing
Radar SP and Imaging, SAR, ATR 
MIMO SP for Radar
Ground and Foliage Penetration Systems
Signal Acquisition and Sensor Management
DF, Emitter Location,
Elint, Array Processing 
Target Detection, Identification and Tracking 
Data Fusion; Information Storage;

Trusted Computing and Fault-Tolerant Computing
Operating System; Software Engineering; Information Security
Sensor data processing, mining, and machine learning

Coding, compression and information theory


III. Antennas, Propagation, and Scattering

Smart Antennas, Beamforming and MIMO

Wave Propagation and Channel Modeling

Wave Scattering and RCS

NanoEM, Plasmonics, and Applications

Metamaterials, FSS and EBG

EM Field Theory and Numerical Techniques

EM Interference & Compatibility, SI

Spectrum Management and Monitoring

RF, uWave, mmW and THz Measurements


IV. Microwave Systems, Radar, RF

Aeronautical and Space Applications

RFID Devices/Systems/Applications

Automotive/Transportation Radar & Communications

UWB and Multispectral Technologies & Systems

Emerging System Architectures

Modelling Techniques for RF Systems

Radar Techniques, Systems and Applications

Sonar Systems and Applications

Wireless Power Transfer & Energy Harvesting

Terahertz Systems

Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques

Linear Device Modeling

Nonlinear Device Modeling

Terahertz Devices: Electronics/Photonics/Plasmonics

(MIMO) measurements

Nonlinear measurement techniques

RF packaging and package modeling

Semiconductor devices and component modeling for RF applications

RF MEMS and microsystems

Microwave and millimeter-wave systems

Radar, SAR and microwave imaging

Electronic warfare and other military applications of RF/microwaves

Measurement techniques for antennas, electromagnetic radiation, propagation

Novel electromagnetic materials