Mengmeng Li, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Special session 24)

Invited Talk: Mengmeng Li, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Special session 24: Advances in Multi-functional Metasurfaces and Applications

Short Bio: 

Title: Progress of Design Methods for Multi-functional Metasurfaces

Recently, metasurface has been extensively studied due to its high performance to manipulate the electromagnetic waves. In light-wave band, we propose a matrix pencil method for designing metalenses with randomly distributed meta-atoms. This method achieves much higher efficiency, while staying polarization-independent. Besides, we introduce an effective Abbe number and use lens maker equations to design a dual-layer achromatic metalens, in which we compensate the dispersion by using a plano-convex liked metalens combined with a plano-concave liked metalens. This dual-layer achromatic metalens has a small focal length difference across the visible wavelength range and an average focusing efficiency above 50%. In microwave band, a dual-band reconfigurable frequency selective surfaces (FSS) based absorber is proposed, the state of the array is optimized to generate real-time coding radar cross section (RCS). Then, an analytical design of space-time-modulated metasurface with modulation elements composed of two paths, In-phase (I) and Quadrature (Q), is proposed. Metsurface is used to perform the I/Q distributions of the analytical model.