
1. Prepare your paper:
Authors are invited to submit technical full papers presenting original, unpublished research.
All submissions should be written in English, any non-English Words are prohibited in the papers.

2. Format your papers:
Please prepare your paper with double-column pages using 10pt size fonts on A4(21CMx29.7CM) pages, including all figures, tables and references. Regular papers are allowed 2 to 6 pages. Extra pages will incur additional charges. More information can be found on the registration page, where the payment for these would be made. Authors should use the templates downloadable below to format the papers.

Download IEEE Manuscript Template

3. Submit paper:
Your paper can be submitted in MS Word DOC or PDF format.
Please click the button "Paper online Submission
" to submit your paper to paper submission system.
Email submission is not acceptable.

4. Alert
Please be noted: All original papers will be submitted to IEEE Crosscheck System to check the Multiple Publication and Plagiarism problems, please prepare your paper carefully before submission.

The similarity rate of final papers must be lower than 30% as a whole, and every similarity must be lower than 10% with each one referenced paper including the paper published by the same author before, it is multiple submission.

5. Authors of all papers presented at the conference are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to SCI/EI journals (Sensors, Nano Technology, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, ACES Journal, subject to approval).

6. Welcome to submit paper to Special Issue:Underwater Vision Sensing System”
Submission deadine is 2024-04-25.